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Category Archives: Business Ownership

Why Should I Improve Myself?

Why Should I Improve Myself?

Self-improvement, under the guise of self-help, was big in the 1970s, and it left a sour taste in many mouths. Now-a-days, self-improvement has several names: personal growth, personal or business development, or continuing education. These terms seem much more “acceptable” to most people. The question, though, is still, why should I do it? For simplicity,… Continue Reading

Fix it Yourself, Hire a Pro, Start from Scratch?

Fix it Yourself, Hire a Pro, Start from Scratch?

In my mom’s toolbox, she had the basics for twisting (phillips- and flat-head screwdrivers), pounding (hammer), holding (crescent wrench and needle nose vice grip), sticking (duct tape and marine epoxy), and loosening (WD-40). As we all wore glasses, a set of jeweler’s screwdrivers was also a must in our house. With other odds and ends,… Continue Reading