Making the World More Understandable

Category Archives: Writing

How to write, why to write, and why I write.

The Writer Has No Blog!

The Writer Has No Blog!

Part of how I sell myself is by offering blog writing. Part of my blog service includes brainstorming sessions for blog topics. I can be pretty good at helping clients with topics for their own blog. Alas, like the cobbler’s children with no shoes, I have a hellish time coming up with topics for myself.… Continue Reading

Fix it Yourself, Hire a Pro, Start from Scratch?

Fix it Yourself, Hire a Pro, Start from Scratch?

In my mom’s toolbox, she had the basics for twisting (phillips- and flat-head screwdrivers), pounding (hammer), holding (crescent wrench and needle nose vice grip), sticking (duct tape and marine epoxy), and loosening (WD-40). As we all wore glasses, a set of jeweler’s screwdrivers was also a must in our house. With other odds and ends,… Continue Reading